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rectangular coordinate system中文是什么意思

用"rectangular coordinate system"造句"rectangular coordinate system"怎么读"rectangular coordinate system" in a sentence


  • 直角坐标系统


  • In fig. 6-1(c), the motion of a particle is referred to by a rectangular coordinate system .
  • In fig . 6 - 1 ( c ) , the motion of a particle is referred to by a rectangular coordinate system
    在图6 - 1 ( c )中,质点的运动是用直角坐标系来描述的。
  • The mechanism is based on the 4 - axis rectangular coordinate system . the driven mode of x - axis is proportional pneumatic - servo control system ; y - axis is driven by a digital ac servomotor ; z - axis is driven by a linear cylinder ; the driven mode of the axis of r is same to that of y - axis
    X轴采用基于比例伺服技术的气动驱动; y轴采用全数字交流电机伺服驱动; z轴则采用直线气缸驱动;而r轴采用与y轴相同的驱动方式,同时其前端安装了真空吸盘,用于抓取工件。
  • This paper provides the general equations of the theoretical contour line and the actual contour line of roller translation follower and roller oscillating follower disc cam in the polar coordinates system and the rectangular coordinates system , respectively . the equations are not only fit for the different layouts of the relative position of follower and cam , but also fit for the different types of cam contour
用"rectangular coordinate system"造句  
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